Tuesday, July 14, 2009


My thoughts often drift take me to a place within space, where grown men are ashamed to show face.
With heads bowed and heavy brows they toil in heat, yet their families suffer for lack of sufficient meat.
As we dance to the rhythm of life someones infant, won't awaken tomorrow, for the journeys to distant.
Awaiting death patiently, the whole village grieves, all too familiar with loss due to man made dis-ease.
We complain were not truly free, set up to lose, yet there's oh so many willing to fill our shoes.
And it burns deep within when on ponders these sorrows; many lands have been stolen, while the treaties claim borrowed.
Bombs over Baghdad left little ones legless, families homeless, and government puppets.
How can one rejoice in such pain and confusion?, as we bitch and moan "broke" with our breakneck consuming.
Boasting and flaunting our model society, yet seen globally as the benefactors of piracy.
Places where life is hard and all folk have is god, no house to come home too, just sun moon and stars.
And its odd when one sees the vast wealth of the earth, but greed makes men gather, and refuse to disperse.
I oft wonder how world leaders rest sound at night, while knowing their plundering causes such blight.
And love is a myth among the poverty stricken, mischief's often an outlet for the pain that lies within.
The crooked man prospers as the just seems to suffer, how long will G?d tarry before he redeems mothers.
Who've sold themselves for means to survive, men are dead or at war, there's none else to provide.
And I sigh, yet with hope every morn I arise, thinking, this be the day we com to value lives, and if not, then I'll start here myself all alone, knowing somewhere, someone, will reap what's been sewn.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Here, alone but surrounded, I am engulfed in the presence of the All. Oneness is attained, perfection achieved, bliss is.
The blackness witnessed by the closing of my eyelids gives testiment to the infinite space which I exist within.
The cosmic being moving within me is identical to that which surrounds me, yes WE are ONE! I and HE, I and I, HE and SHE. All and All!
Vibrations flow upward from my bosom, cresting in my cranium, only to emerge from my physical into the endless abyss of being.
Oneness is attained, illusions cease to persist in this unified state, knowledge falls to the wayside and I stand naked, stripped of the garments which concealed my true identity.
I am One, I am He, I am God!
Oceans appear at my request, lights are gathered to sing praises in my presence. I too give praise to the ONE that exist, the one that is me, yet greater than me, SELF!
We all sing silent songs of praise to the ONE that WE are.
And yet, in a while, ill descend to the mortal realm, illusions will reappear, and divisions likewise, ill return to the mundane duties of man,
Remembering that in truth, I am and forever will be, ONE!