Saturday, June 20, 2009


Here, alone but surrounded, I am engulfed in the presence of the All. Oneness is attained, perfection achieved, bliss is.
The blackness witnessed by the closing of my eyelids gives testiment to the infinite space which I exist within.
The cosmic being moving within me is identical to that which surrounds me, yes WE are ONE! I and HE, I and I, HE and SHE. All and All!
Vibrations flow upward from my bosom, cresting in my cranium, only to emerge from my physical into the endless abyss of being.
Oneness is attained, illusions cease to persist in this unified state, knowledge falls to the wayside and I stand naked, stripped of the garments which concealed my true identity.
I am One, I am He, I am God!
Oceans appear at my request, lights are gathered to sing praises in my presence. I too give praise to the ONE that exist, the one that is me, yet greater than me, SELF!
We all sing silent songs of praise to the ONE that WE are.
And yet, in a while, ill descend to the mortal realm, illusions will reappear, and divisions likewise, ill return to the mundane duties of man,
Remembering that in truth, I am and forever will be, ONE!